Former Heritage Trust President Donahue Bible speaks at the 225th Anniversary Celebration of Greene County in 2008. The county, and Greeneville itself, date from 1783, when this area was still part of North Carolina. | db.jpg

Former Heritage Trust President Donahue Bible speaks at the 225th Anniversary Celebration of Greene County in 2008. The county, and Greeneville itself, date from 1783, when this area was still part of North Carolina.
Greene County Heritage Trust for Historic Preservation, GEORGE R. SCOTT, Greeneville Tennessee, GLENNA CASTEEL, Greeneville Tennessee, CAROLYN SMITH GREGG, Greeneville Tennessee, JERRY BIRD, Greeneville Tennessee, JOHN M. JONES, JR., Greeneville Tennessee, JUSTINE WILLS, Greeneville Tennessee, THE REV. JAMES (JIM) MAYS