Shown above are Heritage Trust award-recipients at the Trust’s 2014 Early American Christmas Dinner and Annual Meeting. They are, left to right: the Rev. James (Jim) Mays, a Heritage Trust Awards Committee member and a former HT president; the Rev. Rex Brown, who accepted an Anniversary Award honoring New Bethel Presbyterian Church on its 175th anniversary year; former Heritage Trust President Carolyn Gregg, honored with a Special Award for her book, "Remembering Greene County Mills"; Betty Fletcher, of the Greeneville-Greene County History Museum, who received a posthumous Award of Merit honoring her late husband, Earl Fletcher, former director of the museum; Marilda Hurley, who received a posthumous Award of Merit honoring her late husband, noted Greeneville Sun columnist Bob Hurley; Tim Massey, Greene County Historian and former Heritage Trust president, who received an Award of Merit at the dinner; and Robert H. (Bob ) Bailey, chairman of the Awards Committee and also a former Trust president. | Greene County Heritage Trust (10).jpg

Shown above are Heritage Trust award-recipients at the Trust’s 2014 Early American Christmas Dinner and Annual Meeting. They are, left to right: the Rev. James (Jim) Mays, a Heritage Trust Awards Committee member and a former HT president; the Rev. Rex Brown, who accepted an Anniversary Award honoring New Bethel Presbyterian Church on its 175th anniversary year; former Heritage Trust President Carolyn Gregg, honored with a Special Award for her book, "Remembering Greene County Mills"; Betty Fletcher, of the Greeneville-Greene County History Museum, who received a posthumous Award of Merit honoring her late husband, Earl Fletcher, former director of the museum; Marilda Hurley, who received a posthumous Award of Merit honoring her late husband, noted Greeneville Sun columnist Bob Hurley; Tim Massey, Greene County Historian and former Heritage Trust president, who received an Award of Merit at the dinner; and Robert H. (Bob ) Bailey, chairman of the Awards Committee and also a former Trust president.
Greene County Heritage Trust for Historic Preservation, GEORGE R. SCOTT, Greeneville Tennessee, GLENNA CASTEEL, Greeneville Tennessee, CAROLYN SMITH GREGG, Greeneville Tennessee, JERRY BIRD, Greeneville Tennessee, JOHN M. JONES, JR., Greeneville Tennessee, JUSTINE WILLS, Greeneville Tennessee, THE REV. JAMES (JIM) MAYS